Friday, August 29, 2008

Inspiring exercises on the road...

Now it's 00:52, Kyiv time, and in several hours I'll be in the airport to take off and head for Axladitsya-Avatakia Learning Center in Greece...

Realizing the limits to post the information, but enourmous opportunities to practice my trash-my excess-my consumption excercises on the Land with the group of 30 people, and weave it in the process of co-living and co-learning during several days - this all makes me excited!

And even before I go and do it... I've just finished cleaning my room, and collected 2 big sacks of things (clothes, books) that I want to give to the orphanage children when I'm back... I'm happy that I managed it, even if it's late and I'll have tired eyes tomorrow...

I'll keep track of my consumption level and make everything possible to practice recycling in the coming weeks... and further on (that's going to be a good habit, for this culture does not exist in Ukraine yet). If there is a chance I'll post how it goes, but if no chance to get connected via the Internet, I'll share my experience when back home...

And before I leave, I wonna thank Val for a wonderful inspirational exercises that could be practices on the road as well, and especially together with other people at the Pioneers of Change Multigenerational gathering...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

From Purpose to Action...

Back in 2007 I dreamt to become one of the warriors without weapons… And I believe this is the right time to become one fully – with the mind, heart, and soul. As I wrote in one of the posts below, I have a purpose to learn myself better, stretch the boundaries, step out of the comfort zone, see the reality in a different way, get to know other warriors without weapons who come from different parts of the world and bring their various perspectives on things that matter. I see interaction with these people on the land of the country that I dream to visit one day, contributing to Elos Institute with my readiness to jump in any activity of value (physical, and spiritual), as a way to better learn about myself and others, about relationship with the self, others and the nature, Mother Earth. Also, I want to be of service to the local community, and re-united with people with who I share the common values. These values are from the Pioneers of Change community, which I’m part of: be yourself, do what matters, start now, engage with others, and never stop asking questions. Also I share the creative way of learning, living and doing things together. Dance, music, literature, design, art – this is only part of what I’m deeply passionate about.

I want to bring my experience back to myself (on a personal level, living what I’ve learnt), my community (on a team or group level, sharing what I’ve learnt), and home country (light up some candles, doing what I’ve learnt through my projects). Also, I would want to be a living evidence of ‘changes for good’ for others to become the warriors without weapons, and maybe together we could make it happen in Ukraine. It takes two to have the army who can do it ;)

With no doubt, after the warrior without weapon school, I will become stronger, more confident to step out and to step in, following my heart and passion. I would become more brave to pioneer things here in my home country, and to persuade people with what I believe in, or else keep on walking no matter what. I would become more courageous to make things happen. And Brazil, Elos community, and indigenous people would become part of myself, and I’ll broaden my perspective on things and see the world differently. And the new connections will be of huge importance to keep the conversations going, and to see what might be possible (join project, invitation to come to Ukraine for the potential Learning Journey or something else)... And the cultural richness would be of great value as well.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Who am I now?

A stranger to myself, a channel for the light to go through... it has been given to me, and I'm not sure I always carry it on... the channel for whatever should come through me... That's why I'm a listener... and I'm the walker on the road that is called life. My life does not belong to myself, and I'm responsible for it... That's why I want to learn more, open up senses to be a student who is learning and receives guidance from time to time, and at the same time who is self-organized and ready to step in to something really important, and is fearless to do it... I'm on this way... and I keep on walking... At times of breakdown, I just do it, and I hope there will be the way...

But besides the philosophical moments, I like to play, I like to observe, and I have passion around people and learning. I work in Kraft Foods in the communications area, and if I had a chance to live 7 lives, I would be:

- Piano musician (most likely, improviser)
- Film director (most likely, documentaries, but not only)
- Dancer (social dance, no classic)
- Tale writer and the poet
- Learning student, traveller, and informal teacher
- Host of the art cafe, supporter of people in art

I wonder how I could combine these 7 lives in the one that is given to me? Is it at all possible? I'm trying to find the way, and I hope that I don't live in the illusion, or else if I do - change the mind, stop searching, and follow my passion, no matter what... improvising on the way ;)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What deeply resonates...

The abstract from the seed paper on Collective Wisdom by Thomas J. Hurley:

"Fearless engagement entails the capacity to work at the edges of our own and the group’s comfort zone. It is a practice of exquisite attention to what must be challenged and provoked, or to where we need to extend ourselves. Archetypally, it expresses the warrior’s spirit. The warrior enters the field of engagement boldly, confident in her abilities. She waits to be tested, to be shaped by wrestling with greater forces and beings. She welcomes whatever comes and whomever she encounters – her own shadow, those who oppose her, the very guardians of the inner realms themselves. She is open and alert, filled with the aliveness and vitality that come from giving herself fully, without conditions. All her senses are awake and every cell in her body tingles – something deep within her stirs. She feels radical joy in saying Yes! to engagement, an elemental excitement in meeting and being met. She knows it is always herself she is meeting, even as she meets the world, and she knows it is always the unknown itself that beckons, even as she steps forward to accept the next challenge, again and again."

And here comes the quote from Helen Keller:

"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all."

I want to be a warrior ;)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Why do I want to take part in the Warriors Without Weapons School?

  • I want to stretch myself, go beyond the fears, investigate the boundaries and the edges of the self, and other people.
  • I want to become stronger as a facilitator, more confident in what I'm trying to do in my home country, Ukraine.
  • I want to learn more about myself, other people, and relationships.
  • I want to open my senses, live different reality with the whole heart, mind, and soul.
  • I want to look at my current reality with different eyes, from aside.
  • I want to meet great people in all the diversity, but who are living from the same future.
  • I want to learn more about the wonderful Brazil country with its challenges, about Elos Institute and its team, and put my soul and hands into something that would bring value to the community in this part of the world.
  • I want to play and have fun, to bring joy and passion, to dance and to sing, doing it together with the warriors without weapons.
  • I want to bring my experience back to my network and wider circles of interested people in my home country.
  • I want to try it, how it is to be a warrior without weapons.

My profile

Yuliya loves conversations
Yuliya is passionate about people and ongoing development
Yuliya is open to learn
Yuliya believes in the power of two: 1+1 = 3 or 1000
Yuliya likes to share jokes and bursts of laughter with friends
Yuliya strives to step out of comfort zone, try new things, and take new roads
Yuliya enjoys life and tries to make it beautiful
Yuliya believes that beauty is not what it is, but what it does
Yuliya believes in God
Yuliya likes salsaing, tangoing in argentine way, playing piano, glass painting, reading/reciting poetry
Yuliya is interested in alternative media and documentaries
Yuliya is part of Pioneers of Change network and deeply shares its values: be yourself, do what matters, start now, engage with others, never stop asking questions
Yuliya is dreaming to visit Zimbabwe, India, Israel, Chili, Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico
Yuliya plans to make a BIG SOMETHING to invite all the friends for the learning journey in Ukraine